Why Should You Buy a Boom Pressure Concrete Pump?

The huge demand for concrete mix in the construction industry allows manufacturers to come up with advanced machines that deliver large quantities of concrete per session. One of the most useful machines in this industry is the boom pressure concrete pump that delivers tons of concrete mix every day. They are the most common concrete pumps at construction sites. Their affordable prices, together with the ability to deliver high quantities of concrete, make them a must-have for all construction companies.

models of boom pumps

Boom concrete pumps come with a pump and a container, both attached to the back of a semi-trailer or a long truck. They have robotic arms that you need to operate using remote controls. Most construction companies use this type of concrete pump because of its ability to mix and deliver high volumes of concrete. This means you can save significantly on labor costs in the long-run.

Benefits of using boom pressure concrete pump

The primary function of any concrete pump is to increase work productivity. But boom concrete pumps go a step further to produce hundreds of kilos of concrete every hour. Here are a few more benefits why this type of concrete pump is best for your construction company.

1. Low operation cost

Imagine hiring a team of laborers to mix the ingredients and deliver a hundred kilo of the mixture in an hour. You may have to employ hundreds of laborers to complete the job, making it a highly expensive affair. Instead, you can buy a boom pump truck as it can do the same job within a few minutes. Let the concrete pump deliver the concrete mix while you employ laborers to pay attention to the construction part of the building.

boom pressure concrete pump
boom pressure concrete pump

2. Huge capacity

It isn’t possible for laborers to turn up every day and produce hundreds of kilos of concrete mix. But a boom concrete pump can do the same job year after year. All you need to do is keep an eye on the maintenance of the pump, and it would serve you without any hiccups for years to come.

Different models of boom pumps may have different capacities, but even the one with the lowest capacity is capable of delivering more concrete mix than humans can produce. You should invest in one pump that can handle big projects and is also suitable within your budget.

boom pump truck in our factory

3. Fast delivery

You can judge the efficiency of a boom pump by its delivery speed. How fast can the pump blend the ingredients and produce a hundred kilo of concrete mix? The higher the quantity it delivers, the better it is for your project. Since you are spending a significant amount on the boom pump, make sure it delivers a large quantity of concrete every hour.

Technological advancements have made it possible to revolutionize the construction industry. Even small construction companies are using concrete boom pumps because they want to save on labor costs and invest that money on the construction team to provide high-quality finishes on every project.